Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday Faves, Vol. 3

I am just sitting down to scrap, at 9pm, and I realize that I haven't posted Friday Faves.  So, here's what I've got going on right now.  :)

1. Gmail.  Love how intuitive it is.  Keeps my email organized better then any other provider I have ever used.  AND, the search function works.

2. Design Seeds.  I said it before, I know... it bears repeating. This is the palette I am planning to use tonight.  Just adore it!
3.Reese's cereal.  A late-night indulgence. :)

4. Zip Dry.  Been using it forever, and love it.  Nothing else has ever come close for me.

5. Ditching my built-in CD storage to make room for more paints.  A girls gotta have priorities!  :)

Have a great weekend!

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