Monday, June 18, 2012

Interrupting the Usual Programming…

Today, I decided it would be fun to play “Food Blogger” for a few minutes.  This may never happen again, so pay attention.  I have recently ventured into the world of grilled fruit, and tonight I hit the jackpot.  Dinner contained 6 different fruits and veggies, did not heat up the house at all, was ready in 30 minutes, and was delicious.  Score!


The main dish was prepared by slicing a green pepper, an onion, and the first zucchini from our garden this summer. I just sliced them all up, added a pound of smoked sausage in 1” chunks, and put it on the grill with some foil.  No seasoning or oil needed- the meat does all that for you.  Yum!  (don’t judge me for using smoked sausage… keep in mind the 30 minute part of this meal!).

For the fruit, just chunk it up, and put on a foil sheet.  I used fresh pineapple (1 small one), strawberries (1 lb), and peaches (2 whole).  Don’t cut it small, this works best with chunks.


After your fruit is chunked (I like using that word!), put about 2T of honey in a small bowl (no need to measure, just eyeball it).


Add 1T of lemon juice, to the bowl, and mix it up.


Drizzle your glaze on the fruit, and use your (clean) hands to toss it around to coat.  Then, sprinkle it with black pepper (freshly ground if you have it, obviously, I don’t.  Don’t hate).


Put it on the grill (right next to the veggies is fine, though I’d start the veg first while you’re chunking the fruit. (I said it again.  Like I said, don’t hate.)


I put the grill at about 250 degrees.  The veggies and meat get about 25 minutes with 2 stirs, and the fruit gets about 15 minutes with 1 stir. 

Enjoy!  If you try it, let me know what you think.  I had 4 big thumbs-up here tonight!


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